【同义词辨析】 2017-09-18 耗尽deplete-bankrupt

deplete: implies a reduction in number or quantity that may do harm: we cannot afford to ~ our natural resources.

drain: implies a gradual withdrawl and ultimate deprivation of sth. necessary to a thing's existence or function: a series of personal tragedies ~ him of hope.

exhaust: stresses a complete using up or emptying: a theme that can never be ~.

impoverish: deprivation of sth. essential to well-being : without arts we will live an ~ life.

bankrupt: sug. impoverishment to the point of imminent collapse: war has ~ the nation of manpower and resources.

deplete: 数量(大量)减少-->损害, drain: 逐渐减少,最终完全丧失-->影响生存功能, exhaust: 强调完全用尽清空, impoverish: 丧失重要福祉(well-being),bankrupt: 丧失福祉-->立即崩塌的程度。

记忆方法: 1) 首字母联想,DDEIB==>BIE Dian Deng别点灯==>避免耗尽资源。

         2) 耗尽的意思是丧失生存所必需的mean to deprive of something essential to existence or potency.